Eva Jiang


Eva Jiang

Based in Taipei, Taiwan, Eva Jiang works as freelance make-up artist since 2009. She also blogs for Vogue magazine weekly. She is very passionated about her work and takes every challenge she gets with a big smile. The typical clients are usually within fashion, commercials, movies, magazines and wedding make-up. 

Eva Jiang 從事彩妝造型工作將近十年 ,曾擔任多位藝人彩妝師及平面媒體彩妝師。擅長歐美彩妝手法及分工程序,與專業髮型師共同打造專屬完美妝容。


Service 服務內容:

Bridal Makeup & Hair Styles 新娘彩妝及髮型/婚禮婚紗

Special Occasion Makeup 晚宴派對/尾牙活動/特殊造型

Makeup Application Service 彩妝教學諮詢

High Fashion Makeup 時尚秀場彩妝

Photo Shoots and TV Commercials 平面及廣告商業彩妝